Maternal Overwhelm
You feel like “mom life” can be better than this. You’re overwhelmed with your duties as a mom, partner, friend. Maybe even as a professional, daughter, and sister.
It all just feels like “too much” and you have nothing left to give. But you don’t know what to do to make it get better.
There are days you feel alone or like no one listens to you. You feel like you have no one to hear you out.
You’re crushed by the activity of running a household; you don’t have time to “be”, only time to “do.”
There are times you feel like you just aren’t enough for the people you love most and like you don’t have enough to give them. You feel like they deserve a better mom.
People tell you to take a day for the things you like, but you’re not even sure you know what that is. In fact, you’re not even sure who you are anymore.
You realized you’ve lost your identity over these years of momming.

Now, the feelings of exhaustion and overwhelm are keeping you from truly living and being the mom you want to be.
You’ve started to cry more often. You retreat to your closet so no one can see. It’s even gotten to the point you’re crying right after breakfast before the day is even fully underway. Your best friend, wine, is no solace. It used to bring a sense of relaxation and now it just doesn’t do anything helpful at all.
You’ve started to search the internet for ways to alleviate the feelings that continue to build. Sometimes you find a helpful tip, but nothing that lasts. Most often, the advice is always the same. “Go out with your friends!” “Take a bath!” “Hire a babysitter and have a night out with your hubby!” You’ve done it all and still, the overwhelm shows up every day.
Looking for Maternal Overwhelm Therapy in St. Louis?
Get started with our free 15-minute phone consultation. Just choose a day and time for us to call you. Let’s take this step together!
Life CAN be better than this, right?
You long to be able to find ways to feel calm, even during the chaos. You want to find patience amidst the overwhelm.
You dream of feeling capable of managing all your roles and duties. You want to discover your self-identity again.
You crave to be more present and to show up in each role more fully, while also allowing yourself days that you aren’t perfect.

Counseling for maternal overwhelm and maternal mental health counseling helps!
In therapy, I partner with you to explore all of these stressors and hassles while also validating one of the most important pieces of it all: the demands you face as a mom are extreme!
In our work together, you will have the space to pour out your overwhelm and sadness about this mom gig. As you gain energy from releasing the stress you’ve been holding in, we will use our time to explore all the stressors, hassles, and confusing or negative emotions you’re dealing with.
The Marble Wellness Approach to Counseling for Moms in St. Louis, MO
As we talk about the various components and demands of your life, we help you build new habits to get you through your day. Together, we will craft new thought patterns to cope with emotions; new ways to increase your support — both from yourself and your village; and a new understanding of yourself, so you can captain the ship of your life and your family with increased confidence.
Learn more about how Counseling for Overwhelmed Moms can help you start living happier and healthier today!
Check out some of our blogs to learn how therapy at Marble Wellness can support you through maternal overwhelm.
Begin Counseling for Overwhelmed Moms
in St. Louis, MO
Maternal overwhelm is a real issue. Hopefully, everything we’ve shared here helps give you permission to reach out and get the help you need. From our Ballwin, MO counseling clinic, we can help you prioritize your own maternal mental health. We can also chat via telehealth for online therapy in Missouri and online therapy in Illinois. Truly, anywhere in the state! If you’re a Chicago resident, we have in-person therapy available in Chicago, too! Taking this first step is a big deal, so you are already making great progress! Just follow these simple steps and we will get started.

1. Reach out to Marble Wellness
Our Client & Project Coordinator will be your first point of contact. She’ll get you set up with a good match for you on our team, and talk first appointment details.

2. Meet with one of our Therapists for Moms
We have members of our team who are specifically trained in Maternal Mental Health, including Perinatal Mood & Anxiety Disorders. They will help you target specific ways to start feeling like yourself again!

3. Start to live happy and calm again
Whether it’s in-person, online, or park therapy, you and your therapist will use their skills and your strengths to help you start to live the life you’ve been longing for.
Other Mental Health Services at Marble Wellness
At Marble Wellness, our goal is simple: Counseling services designed to help set you on a path of living a more fulfilled, calm, and happy life. We specialize in anxiety, depression, grief, chronic illness, therapy for men, couples, and maternal overwhelm. We can also help new moms with various postpartum concerns, moms in the thick of parenting, and moms with teens. We can also chat from wherever you are in the state with online therapy in Missouri and online therapy in Illinois. No matter where you are in your journey, we would love to support you.
Have Questions About Starting Therapy?
Taking this step is a big deal, so you are already making great progress! We are here to help answer your questions and move forward.