Trying something different: a shorter post 😉
I’ve had a low humming the past few days. You know the one, where that low-grade anxiety is just lurking underneath the surface—it’s not sharp enough to poke through and let you in on what’s going on, but it’s not so subtle you can ignore it.
What is Low-Grade Anxiety?
- Excessive, ongoing worry and tension
- Unrealistic view of problems
- Restlessness or “on edge”
- Trouble concentrating
- Tiring easily or being fatigued
- Increased irritability
- Trouble sleeping
- Muscle aches and soreness
When this happens, I usually go through a quick mental checklist: looming deadline? Major task I’ve been putting off? Anniversary of an event upcoming? Financial stressors? Nothing. Dentist appointment I don’t want to make? A house a bit messier than is okay? An outstanding reply to an email? Still nothing….
Then, today, I had an added symptom: this bizarre fuzziness, like my synapses weren’t firing correctly. Normally a total morning-person, this lingered even after breakfast and an appropriate amount of coffee (I can get over-caffeinated easily so have to walk myself right up to that line and then put in a hard stop to the magic juice). I was firmly annoyed.

And when I reach the type of annoyed I was, I decide it’s game time. It’s time to really figure out what is going on because I am not letting the anxiety take away productivity, I’m not letting it rob me of being present when I’m working or around people, and…just no.
My strategy/formula for this type of anxiety is quick and easy and also realistic.
For more persistent anxiety, anxiety that has symptoms that are more severe, and additional strategies when the ones below don’t work, I will write further posts. But for now—for that low-grade humming, and for the mom-on-the-go (is there any other kind?!)..
Follow these fast Four Interventions from a St. Louis, MO Therapist:
1) Do a blood sugar body scan.
Have you eaten recently? If the answer is no, toss back a handful of mixed nuts, a good protein bar (Larabars are my favorite), or a piece of fruit. Your body can’t function well without fuel, so a small snack and getting that blood sugar up is a fantastic first step.
2) Drink a glass of water.
And then drink another. Continue chugging throughout the day. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of water for mood regulation.

3) Move.
For 15-20 minutes minimum. Outside if you can—breaking free of a closed-in space, and feeling the fresh air, is a gift. Break a sweat preferably. Getting that heart rate up, and then letting it return to resting rate, is one of the best ways to beat this type of anxiety.
4) A quick stretch.
Roll your shoulders. Bend at the waist and let your arms hang. Roll your head from side to side. Just a few minutes! It can be while you’re catching up with your kids after school, standing in the shower, or watching TV. But let those muscles shake it out! They could have been holding onto something from a week or two ago, and giving those muscles the opportunity to feel some release can also release some emotions.

Give it a try! Remember, just four quick tips to regain that control and send that humming packing!
Talk to you soon!
If you’ve been struggling with anxiety and you want to take the next steps towards healing, please reach out to us at Marble Wellness and let us help you heal.
Start Therapy for Anxiety in St. Louis, MO
If you live in St. Louis and are ready to kick your anxiety to the curb, we are here to help.
Whether it’s low-grade anxiety or the kind of anxiety that is robbing you of thriving in your life, our Marble Wellness therapists can provide in-person or virtual sessions to help you. We also offer park therapy! You can reach out to us on our website, request an appointment online, or give us a call today to get started. Please reach out to us and we will help get you started as quickly as possible.
Contact Us!

Additional Counseling Services at Marble Wellness in St. Louis, MO and Chicago, IL
Counseling services designed to help set you on a path of living a more fulfilled, calm, and happy life. We specialize in anxiety, depression, grief, chronic illness, therapy for men, couples, and maternal overwhelm. We can also help new moms with various postpartum concerns, moms in the thick of parenting, and moms with teens. We can also chat from wherever you are in the state with online therapy in Missouri and online therapy in Illinois. No matter where you are in your journey, we would love to support you.