Reasons It Is a Good Idea for a Child to Start Therapy in the Summer from St. Louis Therapists

Hello, parents and caregivers! Our team of therapists at Marble Wellness has heard many reasons why parents wait to start their child in therapy until the school year begins. But let us share a little secret: summer is actually a fantastic time for your child to start therapy.

Want to find out why? Let’s dive into some of the top reasons why starting therapy in the summer can be a smart move.

10 Reasons It Is a Good Idea for a Child to Start Therapy in the Summer

1. A Break from the Busy School Schedule

Let’s face it, the school year is hectic! Sheesh. And it seems to get more layered and chaotic each year. Between homework, extracurricular activities, and trying to squeeze in family time, adding therapy sessions can feel overwhelming. (And let’s not get us started on all the text threads for each of those things)!

During the summer, kids typically have more free time and less on their plates. This makes it easier to schedule therapy sessions without the added stress of school commitments. Imagine your child going to therapy relaxed, not worrying about the math test they have tomorrow!

2. A Head Start on Emotional Well-being

Starting therapy in the summer gives your child a head start on addressing any emotional or behavioral issues they might be facing. They can begin learning new coping strategies and skills without the pressure of school. By the time the new school year rolls around, they’ll be better equipped to handle stress and challenges. It’s like getting a jump start on building a strong emotional foundation.

(PS, this means the start of the school year is smoother for you, as a parent, as well!)

3. Easier Transition to School

For many children, the transition back to school after summer can be a bit bumpy. Maybe you remember that yourself from your school days!

If your child starts therapy in the summer, they can work on any anxieties or fears they have about the upcoming school year. Whether it’s anxiety about meeting new teachers, making friends, or handling academic pressure, therapy can help them feel more prepared and confident. Think of it as giving them a toolkit to tackle the new school year with a smile.

4. More Opportunities for Family Involvement

Summer often means more family time, which can be beneficial when starting therapy. Family involvement is crucial in the therapeutic process, and having more time to participate can lead to better outcomes. Parents can learn alongside their children and implement therapeutic strategies at home.

Plus, attending sessions together can strengthen family bonds and improve communication. And hey, who doesn’t love a little extra family bonding time?

5. Flexibility and Fun

We love this tip!

Therapy during the summer doesn’t have to feel like a chore. With more flexible schedules, sessions can be planned around fun summer activities. For example, a therapy session might be followed by a trip to the park or the ice cream shop.

Integrating therapy into a relaxed and enjoyable routine can make the process more appealing for children. It’s all about creating a positive experience that they look forward to.

6. Addressing Summer-Specific Issues

Summer can bring its own set of challenges for children. Social interactions at camps or on vacation might be stressful, or the lack of routine can be unsettling.

Starting therapy in the summer allows these issues to be addressed in real-time. Your child can learn how to navigate social situations, manage their free time, and maintain a healthy routine. This can turn potentially stressful situations into opportunities for growth.

7. Setting Goals and Measuring Progress

Summer is an excellent time to set therapy goals and begin working towards them without the added pressure of school. Whether it’s improving social skills, managing anxiety, or developing better coping mechanisms, the summer provides a clear, uninterrupted period to make significant progress.

By the end of the summer, you and your child can see tangible improvements, which can be incredibly motivating.

8. Building a Therapeutic Relationship

A strong therapeutic relationship is key to successful therapy. Starting in the summer gives your child and their therapist time to build rapport and trust without the rush and pressure of the school year. This foundation can make a big difference in the effectiveness of therapy.

When school starts, your child will already feel comfortable and supported, making it easier to tackle school-related issues as they arise.

9. A Chance to Explore Different Therapies

Summer provides the perfect opportunity to explore different types of therapy to find the best fit for your child. Whether it’s play therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, or even art therapy, you have the time to try different approaches and see what resonates most with your child. This flexibility can lead to a more personalized and effective therapeutic experience.

10. Preparing for Future Success

Ultimately, starting therapy in the summer sets your child up for future success. They enter the school year with better emotional tools, increased confidence, and a solid support system. This proactive approach can lead to improved academic performance, better social interactions, and overall well-being.

So, parents, as you plan your summer activities, consider adding therapy to the list. Our team at Marble Wellness has some incredible child therapists who are ready to work with your little one! It’s a decision that can have lasting positive impacts on your child’s life.

And remember, therapy isn’t just about addressing problems — it’s about building strengths, fostering resilience, and preparing for a bright, successful future. Here’s to a summer of growth and fun!

Looking for Child Therapy in St. Louis?

If you live in St. Louis and want to start your child in therapy during the summer, we are here to help.

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Marble Wellness logo. Specializing in therapy for moms, this counseling practice is located in St. Louis, MO 63011. Marble Wellness is a counseling/therapy practice specializing in Anxiety, Depression, Life Transitions, Child Therapy and much more.

Additional Counseling Services at Marble Wellness in St. Louis, MO and Chicago, IL

Counseling services are designed to help set you on a path of living a more fulfilled, calm, and happy life.

St. Louis

Our St. Louis team of therapists has a variety of training backgrounds and areas of expertise. We specialize in anxiety, depression, grief, chronic illness, therapy for men, couples, and maternal overwhelm. Our practice also helps new moms with various postpartum concerns, moms in the thick of parenting, and moms with teens. We can also chat from wherever you are in the state with online therapy in Missouri and online therapy in Illinois. No matter where you are in your journey, we would love to support you.


Our Chicago team of therapists offers a wide range of mental health services to help our clients through the different challenges and hurdles in their lives. In addition to anxiety, depression, grief, therapy for men, and maternal overwhelm, we specialize in professional burnout, therapy for breakups, and love partnering with working moms.

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