Why Kids Who Are Homeschooled Might Need Therapy

Child with headphones on in front of a web based learning module with text "Why Kids Who Are Homeschooled Might Need Therapy" from a Ballwin, MO child therapist specializing in Play Therapy for St. Louis, MO children.

Homeschooling is becoming an increasingly popular choice for many families, offering flexibility, personalized learning, and a closer-knit family experience. However, just because a child isn’t attending a traditional school doesn’t mean they don’t face challenges that could benefit from child or play therapy. In fact, homeschooling can come with its own set of pressures that … Read more

How Therapy Can Align with Homeschooling and Support Both Parents and Kids

Two kids with small blocks in their hands. Text reads "How Therapy Can Align with Homeschooling and Support Both Parents and Kids" blog by Ballwin, MO play therapists for child therapy for homeschoolers and preschoolers.

When homeschooling a child, it’s not uncommon for parents to feel like they’re juggling a lot at once—balancing teaching responsibilities with caring for their child’s emotional and social needs. This can leave parents wondering, “Is therapy really necessary?” or “Will it create a gap between me and my child?” The truth is, therapy can actually … Read more

The Magic of Play: How Preschoolers Benefit from Play Therapy

Children playing together with text "The Magic of Play How Preschoolers Benefit from Play Therapy" STL Play therapist in Ballwin, MO helps understand play therapy for 3 year olds and more.

Temper tantrums, kicking, hitting, maybe even biting…expressions such as “I do it!”, “No!”, “I don’t want to!”  Sound familiar?  The preschool years are full of mysteries about what is going on in our kids’ heads.  Since language is still developing, communication can be challenging so we start to make assumptions about what is changing.  We … Read more

Parenting the Whole Child: Not Just the Behavior

Photos of various children and parents in different settings with text "Parenting the Whole Child Not Just the Behavior" from a child therapist and parent coach in Ballwin, MO.

We’ve all been there while parenting. That moment when your child’s behavior feels like it’s absolutely spiraling out of control. Whether it’s a tantrum, an attitude adjustment, or just a full-blown meltdown over something that seems pretty minor to you (like why is this such a big deal?!), it’s hard not to focus just on … Read more

How Do I Know if My Child Needs Play Therapy?

Photos of children playing with text "How Do I Know if My Child Needs Play Therapy" by a child and play therapist at Marble Wellness in Ballwin, MO.

As parents, we’re always looking for ways to support our children’s emotional well-being. If you’ve been considering therapy for your child, you’re on the right track. At Marble Wellness, we’ve seen firsthand how play therapy can be a game-changer for children struggling with emotional or behavioral challenges. Let’s dive into what play therapy is all … Read more

Supporting Grieving Children: A Guide for Parents & Caregivers

Child crying in mom's arms. Supporting Grieving Children A Guide for Parents & Caregivers from a St. Louis, MO therapist for children and families in Ballwin, MO

Grief is a complex emotion that affects people of all ages, but it can be particularly challenging for children to process and express. As parents, it’s crucial to recognize that grief in children often manifests differently than in adults. This guide will help you understand how children grieve and provide actionable steps to support them … Read more

Balancing the Scales: The Impact of Competitive Sports on Kids’ and Adolescents’ Mental Health

Photos of student athletes doing various activities. Text reads "Balancing the Scales The Impact of Competitive Sports on Kids’ and Adolescents’ Mental Health" with tips from a St. Louis area therapist for children, teens, and young adults.

If you’re a parent of a child in competitive sports, you’re basically in a sport yourself: primary cheerleader; emotionally coaching them through the highs of winning and the lows of losing; chauffeuring and mastering the logistics of all of the practices, tournaments, hotel stays; and just the overall support needed to help your child achieve … Read more

What is Sandtray Therapy and How Can It Help with Grief Processing?

Blog post cover for "What is Sandtray Therapy and How Can It Help with Grief Processing" from a St. Louis, MO play therapist for children.

Sandtray therapy is a unique form of expressive therapy that involves the use of a sandbox and miniature figures, objects, and symbols. Using this technique, clients create scenes or “worlds” in the sand, which serve as a medium to express and explore their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. This non-verbal approach can help individuals process complex … Read more

Back to School Blues: Tips from a St. Louis Children’s Therapist on How to Ease Your Child’s Return to School Transition

Blog post cover with two children looking upset and trying to comfort each other with text: "Back to School Blues, Tips from a St. Louis Children's Therapist on How to Ease Your Child’s Return to School Transition.

Transitioning from the relaxed days of summer to the structured routine of school can be challenging for children, often bringing feelings of anxiety, stress, and reluctance. The abrupt change in daily schedules, sleep patterns, and activities can make the adjustment period difficult.  We don’t want you to get overwhelmed in advance though! Specializing in child … Read more

Big Emotions in Kids: A Parent’s Guide from a St. Louis Child Therapist

Blog Post Cover: "Big Emotions in Kids - a Parent's Guide from a STL Child Therapist" with two children fighting on the front. A boy is shaking his fist in the face of a very frustrated little girl with braids.

Hello, parents and caregivers! If you’ve ever felt like your child’s emotions are a rollercoaster ride that you didn’t sign up for, you’re not alone! With a specialty in child therapy, our team of STL therapists here at Marble Wellness often hear parents talk about how their child feels “big feelings” and how exhausting it … Read more