Navigating Conversations: How to Explain Your Chronic Illness

Two people discussing over coffee with text "Navigating Conversations: How to Explain Your Chronic Illness" from a STL therapist blog about chronic illness, burnout, stress, overwhelm and anxiety.

Living with a chronic illness involves more than managing symptoms—it often requires navigating conversations about your health with different audiences. Whether you’re talking to friends and family, discussing with colleagues and bosses, or addressing strangers, effective communication is key to fostering understanding and support. As a mental health therapist in St. Louis specializing in chronic … Read more

Coping with Burnout: Navigating Life with Chronic Illness

Alarm clock with medications closeby on a table. Blog post cover for "Coping with Burnout: Navigating Life with Chronic Illness" from a STL therapist for chronic illness and stress.

Let’s dive deep into a topic that hits close to home for many—coping with burnout when you’re living with a chronic illness. As a mental health therapist in St. Louis specializing in supporting individuals facing these challenges, I’ve seen firsthand the toll it can take—physically, emotionally, and mentally. It’s not just about the symptoms; it’s … Read more

7 Ways to Take Control of Your Emotions

Collage of photos of people looking calm, grounded, meditating, etc. with "How Can I Take Control of My Emotions?" on text over blog post cover.

Emotions are an intrinsic part of the human experience. They shape our thoughts, behaviors, and interactions with the world around us. While emotions can be powerful and enriching, they can also be overwhelming and disruptive if not properly managed. Emotional regulation is the ability to understand, manage, and express emotions in a healthy and constructive … Read more