Do you feel like you are just going through the motions and lacking the joy and energy you once had?
Ask yourself… When was the last time you really smiled and truly laughed until your belly ached?
Sadly, I think most of us can relate! Feeling like hamsters running the wheel trying to keep up in this fast paced world. “Balance” seems like a pipe-dream that other people find but we can never achieve.
Long gone are the days of chatting with your neighbor after work, letting the kids roam the neighborhood until dark and washing your car in your driveway on a Saturday afternoon. Now are the days of bringing your work home, kids in aftercare, sports dominating the weekends, expensive vacations for every school break and comparing our lives to others on social media.
Moms are overwhelmed, Dads are stressed, Marriages are disconnected, Kids are more anxious than ever and Teens are experiencing high levels of depression. So what gives?
This world is addicted to speed and trying to keep up with everything can take a huge hit on mental health.. for all ages.
Finding balance can seem like an impossible task to accomplish but here’s the thing: it’s not about juggling everything perfectly; it’s about finding harmony amidst the chaos.
So, how do we slow down and strike that balance? Let’s dive in.
Here are six tips on how to find balance and embrace the simple life:
1. Unplug!
We spend so much time on our phones or computers that we forget to live in the moment. Try unplugging for a little while each day. Put away your devices and focus on what’s happening right in front of you. Most importantly, when your child talks to you – – put down the phone.
Bonus Tip: Place your phones in a designated box during a certain time of the evening. Make it a habit to be phone free during the time of day where you feel you can improve with your connection and focus.
Personal Tip: For me, it’s dinner time to bedtime with the kids, so placing my phone in the box from 5pm – 8pm would help to improve distractions and to help me to feel more engaged.
2. Be Grateful
Take a moment each day to think about what you’re grateful for. It could be something as simple as the sun shining, reading to your child or a home cooked meal. Practicing gratitude can help us focus on the good things in life, even when times get hard.
Bonus Tip: Write down what you are grateful for and it will feel more intentional. You can dedicate a notebook or journal to this and make it a point to document your gratitude each and every day.
Personal Tip: I try to find a “glimmer” each day. I look for things that are so small that others would pass up. On walks, I sometimes look for a heart rock or frog in a stream or in the morning while I drink coffee, I will watch the birds out my window. The world is beautiful and we all too busy to notice it.
3. Get Outside
Spend time in nature! There’s something about being outdoors that can really help us relax and recharge. Soak up that sunshine, listen to the birds singing, notice the flowers blooming, and take a walk. The world is gorgeous and we all too often miss it.
Bonus Tip: Mark your calendar for this! Schedule time each day to get outside so you never miss it. You can even set an alarm on your phone to remind yourself to get some fresh air or sunshine.
Personal Tip: For me, it’s lunchtime where I get outside to disconnect from my phone/computer. I use this time to take a long walk or just simply sit in the sunshine or clouds to take in fresh air.
4. Say No!
This is a hard one for many but It’s okay to say no. If you’re feeling overwhelmed with commitments, busy schedules and pressure don’t be afraid to politely decline and take some time for yourself. This feeling can truly be so freeing and a game-changer for finding balance.
Bonus Tip: Practice saying no. Start small by saying no to small requests and gradually work your way up to more challenging requests. After all, practice makes perfect!
Personal Tip: I am terrible at saying no but have gotten better at it as time goes on. I now recognize where I am at and how I am feeling enough to be able to access how much energy I have left to give.
A friend once told me, “ by saying no to others, you are saying ‘yes’ to yourself. “ and that spoke volumes to me.
5. Set Priorities
Instead of trying to do everything, focus on what’s really important to you. Whether it’s spending time with family, pursuing your passions/hobbies, or meeting a friend for coffee, make sure you’re prioritizing the things that bring you happiness and make you smile.
Bonus Tip: List out on paper all the things that bring you joy or used to make you happy. Start by incorporating one of those things into your week or doing more of what you already do. Starting slow can help ease back into making yourself a priority without overwhelming yourself.
Personal Tip: Think back on your childhood… ask yourself what made you happy as a child?
When I was young, I loved to create and also loved to rearrange my bedroom furniture. As an adult, I have started to have ‘painting nights’ with my family and have found we all love it! I have also found joy in rearranging furniture in my home every few months and working on home projects. I have found that a new look can create much joy!
6. Slim the Schedule
Here’s the good news: you have the power to slim down your schedule and create more space for what truly matters. Ask yourself, what is working and what is not? Are there any activities or commitments that no longer serve you or your family? Make adjustments as needed and slim that schedule so you can find the joy in things again.
Bonus Tip: Find the one thing in your week that overwhelms you the most and find a way to either improve that obligation or eliminate it. Taking something off your schedule each week can make a huge impact.
Personal Tip: This was a hard one for me! My mother reminded me recently that when I was a child she did not attend every..single…game that I played ( and I feel like I turned out just fine! ha). I have tried to take the pressure off myself to attend every game my child plays. Now, I still attend 98% of them, but hey, baby steps! There are many many many more games your child will play.. It really is ok to now make every one.
“In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to lose sight of what’s truly important. Take a moment to slow down and appreciate the beauty around you.”
So, take a deep breath, relax, and enjoy the journey.
You’ve got this!
Ready to Find Balance? Start Therapy for Moms in St. Louis
Remember, life doesn’t always have to be a race. By embracing the simple joys and taking care of our mental health, you can lead a happier, healthier life for not only you but for your family! If you live in St. Louis or looking for online therapy in Missouri and are ready to take control of your life at a slower-pace, we are ready to talk with you. You can find balance!
Contact Us!

Additional Counseling Services at Marble Wellness in St. Louis, MO and Chicago, IL
Counseling services are designed to help set you on a path of living a more fulfilled, calm, and happy life.
St. Louis
Our St. Louis team of therapists has a variety of training backgrounds and areas of expertise. We specialize in anxiety, depression, grief, chronic illness, therapy for men, couples, and maternal overwhelm. Our practice also helps new moms with various postpartum concerns, moms in the thick of parenting, and moms with teens. We can also chat from wherever you are in the state with online therapy in Missouri and online therapy in Illinois. No matter where you are in your journey, we would love to support you.
Our Chicago team of therapists offers a wide range of mental health services to help our clients through the different challenges and hurdles in their lives. In addition to anxiety, depression, grief, therapy for men, and maternal overwhelm, we specialize in professional burnout, therapy for breakups, and love partnering with working moms.