Empowering Little Hearts: 7 Strategies to Help Children Overcome Fears

Blog post cover photo for "Empowering Little Hearts 7 Strategies to Help STL Children Overcome Fears" written by a West County, MO therapist for children and families.

Do These Childhood Fears Sound Familiar to You? These types of childhood fears are extremely common, but they can make life harder for children and their parents alike. Fears cause children to miss out on fun events, disturb sleep, and hurt self-esteem. Family routines may be disrupted in order to accommodate these fears. Helping children … Read more

Understanding Mom Therapy: A Guide to Mental Health Support for Mothers in Chicago

Photos of mothers in stages of motherhood. This represents how mom therapy in Chicago can support mothers with different challenges and in different periods of their lives.

Welcome, dear mothers, to a conversation about an often overlooked but vital aspect of maternal well-being: mom therapy. In the whirlwind of motherhood, it’s easy for moms to put their own needs on the back burner while prioritizing the care of their families. However, investing in your mental health is essential for both you and … Read more

Navigating Mom Guilt: Finding Balance as a Working Mom in Chicago

Photo of a mom hugging her child. This represents how it's essential for working moms — and all moms — to learn how to navigate mom guilt.

Welcome, working moms! If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve experienced that nagging feeling in the pit of your stomach — mom guilt. Our Chicago therapists hear it often… It’s that relentless voice whispering in your ear, telling you that you’re not doing enough. That you’re missing out on precious moments with your kids. That … Read more